Il Mondo di Libera Terra

Libera Terra Mediterraneo

Libera Terra Mediterraneo is a consortium, ONLUS (a non-profit organisation of social utility), that brings together the Libera Terra social cooperatives, joined by other operators who have embraced its cause. It was founded in 2008 with the aim of uniting the agricultural activities of the cooperatives and addressing the market in a united and effective manner. Its organisation is articulated in a combined manner, with product/market divisions and specific functions. It involves high-profile and varied experienced professionals, who take care of all phases of product marketing.  Libera Terra Mediterraneo Consortium coordinates the production activities of the individual cooperatives. It comprises and directly oversees the transformation of the agricultural raw materials into the finished products, with a constant search for their maximum valorisation and consequent best economic result. Pursuing the core of Libera Terra’s mission and its fundamental social role of reusing confiscated properties thus becomes the guiding principle of every decision. The creation and protection of stable and long-lasting agricultural enterprises, as well as of the resulting jobs, becomes possible through the production and marketing of excellent products, with a value-for-price ratio among the very best. This is why the pursuit of excellence guides every single smallest decision and it is a great pride to see Libera Terra products on the most prestigious shelves of the several distribution channels, both in Italy and in many foreign countries.


Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie

Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie” was established on March 25, 1995 with the intent to urge civil society in the fight against the mafias and promote legality and justice. Currently Libera is a coordination of more than 1,600 associations, groups, schools, and grassroots organisations, territorially committed to building political-cultural and organisational synergies capable of spreading the culture of legality. The law on the social use of property confiscated from the mafias, education to democratic legality, commitment against corruption, anti-mafia training camps, projects on work and development and anti-usury activities are just some of its concrete commitments. Libera is recognized as a social promotion association by the Italian Ministry of Social Solidarity. In 2008 it was included by Eurispes among Italian excellences. In 2012 it was included by The Global Journal magazine in its ranking of the one hundred best NGOs in the world: it is the only Italian “community empowerment” organisation to appear on this list, the first dedicated to the universe of non-profits.

Libera Terra Cooperatives

Libera Terra cooperatives are type B social cooperatives, established by public bidding. They manage properties confiscated from the mafia, largely consisting of farmland. The birth of Libera Terra was made possible by anti-mafia legislation for the reuse of property confiscated from criminal organisations. In 2001, precisely in order to encourage the concrete application of the regulations on the reuse of confiscated property and to demonstrate that this property could be a great opportunity for economic development, work and the redemption of territories oppressed by the mafias, the first Libera Terra cooperative was founded.


Cooperativa Terre Joniche
- Libera Terra

Isola Capo Rizzuto (KR)

Cooperativa Valle del Marro
- Libera Terra

Polistena (RC)


Cooperativa Le Terre

di Don Peppe Diana - Libera Terra

Castel Volturno (CE)


Cooperativa Terre di Puglia - Libera Terra

Mesagne (BR)


Cooperativa Beppe Montana - Libera Terra

Lentini (SR)

Cooperativa Pio La Torre
- Libera Terra

San Giuseppe Jato (PA)

Cooperativa Placido Rizzotto - Libera Terra

San Giuseppe Jato (PA)

Cooperativa Rita Atria
- Libera Terra

Castelvetrano (TP)

Cooperativa Rosario Livatino - Libera Terra

Naro (AG)

Cooperativa Le Terre ​di Don Peppe Diana - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Beppe Montana - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Rosario Livatino - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Pio La Torre - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Placido Rizzotto - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Rita Atria - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Terre Joniche - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Valle del Marro - Libera Terra

Cooperativa Terre di Puglia - Libera Terra

Agenzia Cooperare con Libera Terra

Cooperare con Libera Terra – Agenzia per lo sviluppo cooperativo e la legalità” was founded in May 2006 as a non-profit association on the initiative of a number of major cooperative enterprises that are members of Legacoop Bologna. In just a few years, the Agency has managed to involve the Italian cooperative movement, growing from 25 to 74 members, covering the entire national territory with its presence. The Agency’s objective is to consolidate and support the economic-entrepreneurial development of those cooperatives that are established on property confiscated from mafia bosses, through the organized transfer of know-how and skills, thanks to the professionalism made available by its members. In this way, mutual knowledge and continuous exchange of best practices and information is fostered, thereby developing new cooperations and entrepreneurial excellence. Coordination of the overall strategy of the Libera Terra project, control of compliance with the requirements for obtaining and maintaining the Libera Terra label, support for the start-up of enterprises through the sharing of business development plans, training and professional selection represent the core of the activities carried out over the years.